Getting ready for Parents Evening Video Appointments

Getting ready for Parents Evening Video Appointments

Getting ready for Parents Evening Video Appointments

Checking your computer

If you go to this website it will run through all the checks needed for a successful experience. Of particular importance is making sure it can access the camera and microphone.

You will be prompted to let the website use your microphone, click Allow

You will be prompted to let the website use your camera, click Allow

When all the tests have completed you should get all the following green Passes


Getting familiar with the system

There are some detailed instructions on the website which will show you what to do and what to expect from the system during the parents evening session

Video Appointments: Parents - How to attend appointments over video call - SchoolCloud Parents Evening (

Troubleshooting black screens and sound problems

If you are having problems with a black image and/or no sound, then it is likely that your camera and/or microphone are still blocked from being accessed

Allowing access depends on which web browser you are using:

  1. iPhone/iPad
    Safari - open Settings from the Home screen, then choose Safari, and scroll to the Camera & Microphone Access option.
  2. Android
    Chrome - click here to view guide
    Firefox - click here to view guide
  3. Windows
    Chrome - click here to view guide
    Firefox - click here to view guide
    Edge (latest version) - press the three dots in the upper right and choose Settings, press Site permissions on the left, followed by Camera and Microphone on the right. Ensure camera and microphone access isn't blocked for this website.
  4. Mac
    Safari - click here to view guide
    Chrome - click here to view guide
    Firefox - click here to view guide

Popular tips

  1. The camera can only be used by a single app at a time. If you have Zoom or Teams on your computer, please make sure you close them before trying to join the parents evening system

  1. You can try refreshing the page and rejoining the call to clear a black screen

refresh button

  1. There is a bug in iOS 14.2 which causes sound issues. Upgrading to iOS 14.3 fixes.