OneDrive is where your personal files are stored. Think of it as your Documents folder.
SharePoint is where shared files are stored. Think of it as the Staff Drive.
You can follow these steps on any computer, it doesn't need to be a laptop or computer that is school specific.
Log in to Office 365
Click the ‘waffle’ menu
Click OneDrive and it will load your files
This is what OneDrive looks like
You can navigate through just by clicking the items and you can open documents right inside the browser to edit them.
You will see more options on the left-hand side.
will return you to the original file list after visiting other areas
shows you files you recently accessed across both OneDrive and Sharepoint
Shared with you - shows files which are shared with you by others
Shared by you – shows files which you have shared with others
Shows files that you have access to that other people have used recently.
If you’ve accidentally deleted something, here is where you can get it back again. Select the item you want to restore and choose the Restore option to put it back.
Click the ‘waffle’ menu
Click SharePoint
Search for APS Staff and find it in the Sites list.
Here is a quick overview of the options we have.
This page can be customised by the site owner to contain all sorts. By default it shows New, Documents in the site and recent activity
Group Chat similar to Teams
The documents in the group. This is like part like Staff Drive
OneNotes included with the site
These are just for editing the look of the Sharepoint site
To restore anything deleted by accident
Site Owners can add, remove and organise these options to be more relevant to what they need in this group